Spreadsheet Tricks

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Revision as of 14:38, 30 March 2015 by Dave (talk | contribs) (Minor clarification, fixes.)
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100+ Excel Dashboards
Winners of 2014 dashboard competition.

Microsoft Excel

Miscellaneous Tricks

Notes & Comments

Use Excel's data validation feature to share meaningful information about specific cells with users.
The N() function comes in handy if you want comments embedded within the formula for your own notes, reference, etc.
Example: =SUM(E82:E83)+N("Tutorial found here: http://lifehacker.com/add-comments-to-a-formula-in-excel-for-your-future-refe-510113024")

Find Value; Return Column Header

What it does: Finds the average of each row, then determines which column header comes closest to the average and returns that column's header.
Example: =INDEX(B$1:E$1,MATCH(MIN(ABS(B2:E2-AVERAGE(B2:E2))),ABS(B2:E2-AVERAGE(B2:E2)),0))
Array Formula: CTRL > SHIFT > ENTER

What it does: Finds the minimum in a row and returns the text that appears in that column's header.

Example: =INDEX($B$1:$E$1,MATCH(MIN(B2:E2),B2:E2,0))
What it does: Finds a value in a row and returns column header.
Example: =LOOKUP(2,1/($B2:$E2=$G2),$B$1:$E$1) (Dave's modification.)
Example: =LOOKUP(2,1/($D2:$Z2="x"),$D$1:$Z$1) (One of the original source formulas.)
Example: =INDEX($B$1:$E$1,MATCH(H2,INDEX($B$2:$E$26,MATCH(G2,$A$2:$A$26),)))

Working With Text

Mixing Text & Numbers

Describes the formula syntax and usage of the TEXT function in Microsoft Office Excel. Excel's TEXT function returns a value converted to text with a specified format.
One of many video lessons from Contextures Inc..


Example: While text box is selected, input a formula like =Contractors!$C$2 to link the text box to the content of cell C2 on the "Contractors" tab.

Pivot Tables

This course includes one self-paced lesson and one practice session for hands-on experience.

Google Spreadsheets

Google Sheets do not support zebra stripes (yet) but you can use conditional formatting combined with a simple Google Formula to create a formatted table.
Directly import tabular data from web pages and edit it inside a Google Spreadsheet.
Example: =ImportHTML("http://www.labnol.org/internet/tips-for-tech-startups/19483/", "list", 2)
A powerpoint-like presentation.

Fusion Tables

Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share larger data tables.

Array Formula In Google Spreadsheet

<html><iframe width='950' height='300' frameborder='0' src='https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ap9dh6jmi4yndEp1Q1M4cXk0QTFOTmpRWW5mb25kNkE&output=html&widget=true'></iframe></html>

Embedding Spreadsheets & Parts of Spreadsheets

Embed SkyDrive Spreadsheet

<html><iframe width="650" height="450" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://skydrive.live.com/embed?cid=0D58D956AB4BC9E0&resid=D58D956AB4BC9E0%21117&authkey=AH7Glp3oB3WJ4Ag&em=2&AllowTyping=True&wdDownloadButton=True"></iframe></html>
iFrame code for the spreadsheet on SkyDrive

Embed Google Spreadsheet

<html><iframe width='500' height='350' frameborder='0' src='https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aumujjc9cTZhdE92TExvcjU5NVZBbFk2Ul82dFI1ZUE&single=true&gid=0&range=J2%3AQ12&output=html&widget=true'></iframe></html>

See Also

Quick Edit Sheets

Moved this section to: Office Productivity Hacks#Quick Edit Sheets.

Excel Add-Ins

The Timeslider is a historical data engine for Microsoft Excel. The add-in allows you to store and retrieve historical data directly from the cells of your spreadsheet.

See Also
